Validate Address
Endpoint for checking if an address in a specific country is valid or not.
Endpoint URL
where {COUNTRY_CODE} is replaced with one of the following supported country codes:
- se (Sweden)
- no (Norway)
- dk (Denmark)
- fi (Finland)
Supported parameters
Query parameter | Value |
api_key | Required A valid API key |
response_format | Sets the format for the API response. The following values are supported: - xml - json (Default value) |
street | Required Either the full street address including street name / street number / attribution or just the street name together street number/attribution provided as separate arguments (street_number/extra_number/letter) Example: street=Litselby gård (full address) street=Storgatan 12 (full address) street=Storgatan&street_number=12 (street parameter contains street name, street number provided separately) street=Storgatan 12B (full address) street=Storgatan&street_number=12&letter=B (street parameter contains street name, street number and letter provided separately) street=Gullyckeskärsvägen 203-28 (street address with both primary and secondary street number - full address provided in street parameter) street=Gullyckeskärsvägen&street_number=203&extra_number=28 (street parameter contains street name, street number and extra number provided separately) |
street_number | The street number of the address, unless it is given as a part of the street parameter. Example: street=Storgatan&street_number=12 |
letter | The letter of the address, unless it is given as a part of the street parameter. Example: street=Storgatan&street_number=12&letter=A |
extra_number | The additional/secondary street number of the address, unless it is given as a part of the street parameter. Example: street=Landsvägen&street_number=22&extra_number=120 |
postcode | Required The postcode of the address. Example: postcode=12345 |
locality | Required The locality of the address. Example: locality=Stockholm |
suggestions | Decides if the API should return suggestions for correct addresses if an incorrect address is validated. The following values are supported: _ true (Default value) _ false |
administrative | Includes the administrative division relations for the address in the response. _ true _ false (Default value) See Glossary for list of supported administrative divisions in each country |
coordinate (Require extra permission) | Includes the coordinate for the address in the response. _ true _ false (Default value) |
property_designation (Require extra permission) | Includes property designation for Swedish addresses (Fastighetsbeteckning). _ true _ false (Default value) |
uuid (Require extra permission) | Includes the UUID (unique key) for the address in the response. _ true _ false (Default value) |
deso_ (Require extra permission) | Includes the DeSo code for the address in the response. _ true _ false (Default value) |
neighborhood (Require extra permission) | Includes the neighborhoods for the address in the response. _ true _ false (Default value) |
To be able to request uuid attribute, you need to have a specific permission.
Key | Value Type | Value description |
version | String | The API version |
response_time | Float | The time it took for the service to process this request |
query | Object | Object containing the request parameters detected/used for address input - declared as a query object (referenced below) |
interpretation | Object | Object containing the parsed version of the incoming address - declared as a interpretation object (referenced below) |
is_valid | Integer | States if the sent in address is valid or not. Possible values are: _ false (Not valid) _ true (Valid) |
status | Integer | Status code that gives detailed information about the validation result. This code details both general errors and detailed validation errors. |
match | Array | If the address is correct - this array will contain an object with detailed description of the matched address - declared as an match object (referenced below) |
suggestions | Array | If the address is invalid - this array will hold zero or more suggestion(s) - each suggestion being declared as a suggestion object (referenced below) |
errors | Object | Error(s) detected in the query - declared as an error object (referenced below) |
Query object
Key | Value type | Value description |
street | String | Street name or full street address |
street_number | String | Street number |
letter | String | Letter used in street number attribution, e.g. Storgatan 12A |
extra_number | String | Additional/extra street number * * Some addresses have dual street number attributing, e.g. Landsbyvägen 2-220. You can choose from providing the full street address in the street parameter, like this: street=Landsbyvägen 2-220 ..or divided like this: street=Landsbyvägen&street_number=2&extra_number=220 |
postcode | String | Postal code of the address |
locality | String | Locality / city of the address |
Interpretation object
Key | Value type | Value description |
street | String | Parsed street name |
street_number | String | Parsed street number |
letter | String | Parsed letter (used in street number attribution, e.g. Storgatan 12A) |
extra_number | String | Parsed additional/extra street number * * Some addresses have dual street number attributing, e.g. Landsbyvägen 2-220. extra_number will be 220 in this example. |
extra | String | Additional/extra information in the street address * * Some addresses have additional information attached to it that's not part of the actual street address, like floor level or apartment number: street=Storgatan 12, LGH 1204. In this example , LGH 1204 will be put in the extra attribute. |
postcode | String | Parsed postal code |
locality | String | Parsed locality / city |
Suggestion object
Key | Value type | Value description |
address_type | String | Address type See Glossary for list of possible address types |
street | String | Street name |
street_number | String | Street number |
letter | String | Letter (used in street number attribution, e.g. Storgatan 12A) |
extra_number | String | Additional/extra street number * * Some addresses have dual street number attributing, e.g. Landsbyvägen 2-220. extra_number will be 220 in this example. |
extra | String | Additional/extra information in the incoming street address that was not part of the actual street address, like floor level or apartment number |
postcode | String | Postal code |
locality | String | Locality / city |
errors | Array | List of errors codes for the result |
uuid | String | Unique identifier of the address. (Only available to Sweden) |
latitude | Float | Latitude of the address if existing |
longitude | Float | Longitude of the address if existing |
roperty_desgination | String | Includes property designation for Swedish addresses (Fastighetsbeteckning). |
admock:p_code | String | Administrative code for levels 1-5 See Glossary for list of supported administrative divisions in each country |
admock:p_name | String | Administrative name for levels 1-5 See Glossary for list of supported administrative divisions in each country |
localisations | Array | Array of localisation objects |
Match object
Key | Value type | Value description |
address_type | String | Address type See Glossary for list of possible address types |
street | String | Street name |
street_number | String | Street number |
letter | String | Letter (used in street number attribution, e.g. Storgatan 12A) |
extra_number | String | Additional/extra street number * * Some addresses have dual street number attributing, e.g. Landsbyvägen 2-220. extra_number will be 220 in this example. |
extra | String | Additional/extra information in the incoming street address that was not part of the actual street address, like floor level or apartment number |
postcode | String | Postal code |
locality | String | Locality / city |
latitude | Float | Latitude of the address if existing |
longitude | Float | Longitude of the address if existing |
property_desgination | String | Includes property designation for Swedish addresses (Fastighetsbeteckning). |
admock:p_code | String | Administrative code for levels 1-5 See Glossary for list of supported administrative divisions in each country |
admock:p_name | String | Administrative name for levels 1-5 See Glossary for list of supported administrative divisions in each country |
localisations | Array | Array of localisation objects |
errors | Array | List of errors codes for the result |
Sometimes, you might see an additional parameters like street_alt and locality_alt in the response for validation requests against Finland (country code: fi). These attributes represent the alternative street name and alternative locality names which comes in Swedish language.
Also it is possible to use Swedish address names on validation requests against Finland (country code: fi).
Localisation object
Key | Value type | Value description |
locale | String | Locale for this translation |
street | String | Translation for street |
locality | String | Translation for locality |
Error object
A key/value based object holding all the errors that were found with the incoming address. Each key represent an error code and the value for that key gives you a textual representation of that error. See Glossary for list of possible error codes and explanation
Example - Validation of a correct Swedish address
Address to validate
street | postcode | locality |
Drottninggatan 45 | 11121 | Stockholm |
curl -G -d "street=Drottninggatan 45&postcode=11121&locality=Stockholm&response_format=json&api_key={API_KEY}"
"version": "2.0",
"response_time": 0.029,
"query": {
"street": "Drottninggatan 45",
"locality": "Stockholm",
"postcode": "11121"
"interpretation": {
"postcode": "11121",
"locality": "Stockholm",
"street": "Drottninggatan",
"street_number": "45"
"is_valid": true,
"status": 11,
"match": {
"street": "Drottninggatan",
"street_number": "45",
"extra_number": "",
"letter": "",
"postcode": "11121",
"locality": "Stockholm",
"address_type": "NB"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<street>Drottninggatan 45</street>
Example - Validation of a correct Swedish address (same as above) with street number provided as separate argument
Address to validate
street | street_number | postcode | Stockholm |
Drottninggatan | 45 | 11121 | Stockholm |
curl -G -d "street=Drottninggatan&street_number=45&postcode=11121&locality=Stockholm&response_format=json&api_key={API_KEY}"
"version": "2.0",
"response_time": 0.029,
"query": {
"street": "Drottninggatan",
"street_number": "45",
"locality": "Stockholm",
"postcode": "11121"
"interpretation": {
"postcode": "11121",
"locality": "Stockholm",
"street": "Drottninggatan",
"street_number": "45"
"is_valid": true,
"status": 11,
"match": {
"street": "Drottninggatan",
"street_number": "45",
"extra_number": "",
"letter": "",
"postcode": "11121",
"locality": "Stockholm",
"address_type": "NB"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Example - Using administrative parameter to add administrative relations to the address
Address to validate
street | postcode | locality |
Drottninggatan 45 | 11121 | Stockholm |
curl -G -d "street=Drottninggatan 45&postcode=11121&locality=Stockholm&administrative=true&response_format=json&api_key={API_KEY}"
"version": "2.0",
"response_time": 0.026,
"query": {
"street": "Drottninggatan 45",
"locality": "Stockholm",
"postcode": "11121"
"interpretation": {
"postcode": "11121",
"locality": "Stockholm",
"street": "Drottninggatan",
"street_number": "45"
"is_valid": true,
"status": 11,
"match": {
"street": "Drottninggatan",
"street_number": "45",
"extra_number": "",
"letter": "",
"postcode": "11121",
"locality": "Stockholm",
"address_type": "NB",
"adm1_code": "01",
"adm1_name": "Stockholm",
"adm3_code": "018001",
"adm3_name": "Stockholms domkyrkoförs.",
"adm5_code": "018001",
"adm5_name": "Stockholms domkyrkoförs."
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<street>Drottninggatan 45</street>
<adm3_name>Stockholms domkyrkoförs.</adm3_name>
<adm5_name>Stockholms domkyrkoförs.</adm5_name>
Updated 3 months ago