Administrative divisions
Below you find a list of all administrative divisions used in the API and what they represent in each country.
String | SE | NO | FI | DK |
adm1 | Län (county) | Fylke (county) | Maakunta (county) | Region (region) |
adm2 | Kommun (municipality) | Kommune (municipality) | Kunta (municipality) | Kommune (municipality) |
adm3 | Församling (parish) | Sogn (parish) | N/A | Sogne (parish) |
adm4 | Distrikt (district) | N/A | Seutukunta (district) | N/A |
adm5 | Församling 2015 (parish 2015) | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Address types
Below you find a list of all address type codes that can be used as a value in the address_type parameter.
Code | Description |
NA | Location address - General |
NB | Location address - City |
NC | Location address - Rural |
BA | PO Box address - General |
BB | PO Box address - Main operator |
BC | PO Box address - Other operator |
BD | Large customer address - Organisation with their own postal code |
BE | PO Box address - Package dispenser |
AA | Administrative address - General |
AB | Administrative address - Internal address |
AC | Administrative address - Competition mail (tävlingspost) |
AD | Administrative address - Reply mail (svarspost/frisvar/svarsförsändelser) |
XX | Any other address that has not been classified |
Response codes
General status codes
Code | Message |
200 | OK |
300 | Multiple suggestions |
302 | Single match |
303 | See additional response objects |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not found |
501 | Internal error |
Validate address address status codes
Code | Message |
11 | Address is correct |
12 | Address is incorrect - address has been corrected |
13 | Address is incorrect - no suggestions could be found |
14 | Address is incorrect - alternative suggestions |
15 | Address is partly incorrect - address had minor errors that were corrected |
16 | Address is incorrect - Too many suggestions to display |
131 | Number of suggestions are too many to display |
200 | Street address is missing |
201 | Unknown format for the street address |
202 | Street address had misspellings, errors or was incorrect |
203 | Street address contains abbreviations |
204 | Street address had minor errors that were corrected |
208 | Street address is a post office box |
209 | Both street address and post office box address included in the same field |
298 | Street address is OK with strict check |
299 | Street address is OK |
250 | Missing street number |
251 | Invalid format for the street number |
252 | Incorrect street number |
253 | Street number not applicable on the given address |
256 | Postal box address was missing a postal box number |
257 | Postal box address had a postal box number we couldn't validate |
258 | Couldn't validate postal box address |
259 | Street number is OK |
260 | Missing letter in the street number |
261 | Unknown format for letter in street number |
262 | Incorrect letter in street number |
263 | Letter not applicable on the street number for the given address |
269 | Letter in the street number are OK |
270 | Secondary street number is missing |
271 | Unknown format for the secondary street number |
272 | Incorrect secondary street number |
273 | Secondary street number cannot be applied to the given address |
279 | Secondary street number is OK |
280 | Floor/entry missing |
281 | Unknown format for floor/entry |
282 | Incorrect floor/entry |
283 | Floor/entry inapplicable for given address |
289 | Floor/entry OK |
300 | Postal code is missing |
301 | Unknown format for the postal code |
302 | Postal code is incorrect |
306 | Postal code is incomplete |
307 | Customer specific postal code |
308 | Postal code includes country prefix |
399 | Postal code is OK |
400 | Locality is missing |
401 | Unknown format for locality |
402 | Incorrect locality |
403 | Locality had abbreviations |
404 | Locality had minor errors that were corrected |
499 | Locality is OK |
503 | Street address does not exist in the given postal code |
504 | Street address does not exist in the given locality |
505 | Street address does not exist in neither given locality nor postal code |
512 | Postal code does not exist in the given locality |
513 | Street address exists in the given postal code |
514 | Street address exists in the given locality |
515 | Street address exists in both given postal code and locality |
522 | Postal code exists in the given locality |
613 | Historical change |
Updated 10 months ago