Suggest Address
This endpoint returns suggestions of addresses in a specific country given certain search parameters - usually used for "autocomplete" purposes to help a user type a valid address into a form/input field.
Endpoint URL
where {COUNTRY_CODE} is replaced with one of the following supported country codes:
- se (Sweden)
- no (Norway)
- dk (Denmark)
- fi (Finland)
Supported parameters
Query parameter | Value |
api_key | Required A valid API key |
query | Required The query string that will be used to filter what address suggestions to fetch. Example: query=Storg Returns addresses that begins with Storg |
max_rows | The maximum number of suggestions that should be returned. Possible values are 1 to 100. Default value is 15. Example: query=Storg&max_rows=20 Returns 20 streets in Sweden beginning with storg. |
response_format | Sets the format for the API response. The following values are supported: _ xml _ json (default) * text |
postcode | Filter results to only return addresses with a certain postcode or where the postcode begins with a pattern. Example: query=Storg&postcode=11217 query=Storg&postcode=112* * In case you're not providing a full postcode the asterix must be used as a suffix after the postcode parameter value |
locality | Filter results to only return addresses with a certain locality or where the locality begins with a pattern. Example: query=Storg&locality=Falun query=Storg&locality=Fal* * In case you're not providing a full locality the asterix must be used as a suffix after the locality parameter value |
street_number | Filter results to only return addresses with a certain street number. Example: query=Storg&street_number=12 |
extra_number | Filter results to only return addresses with a certain secondary street number. Example: query=Landsvägen&street_number=12&extra_number=102 |
letter | Filter results to only return addresses with a certain letter. Example: query=Storgatan&street_number=12&letter=A |
administrative | Includes the administrative division relations for the address in the response. _ true _ false (Default value) See Glossary for list of supported administrative divisions in each country |
coordinate | Includes the coordinate for the address in the response. _ true _ false (Default value) |
property_designation | Includes property designation for Swedish addresses (Fastighetsbeteckning). true false (Default value) |
uuid | Includes the uuid for the address in the response. _ true _ false (Default value) |
group | Returns results as groups of suggestions. (A group is a collection of suggstion objects). _ true _ false (Default value) Example Group Object: { "address_type": "NC", "street": "Aareavaara", "postcode": "98491", "locality": "Pajala", "group_path": "lps|Pajala|98491|Aareavaara", "group_count": 70 }, |
group_path | Filter results to only return addresses within a certain group. Example: query=Aa&group_path=lps|Pajala|98491|Aareavaara |
street_number_prefix | Ensures that the response strictly focuses on only considering the prefix values of street numbers when matching the provided street number. Example: When 10 is sent as the street number, _ true Will return addresses with street numbers such as, 10,105,1005 _ false (Default value) Will return addresses only with the street number as 10. |
To be able to request uuid attribute, you need to have a specific permission.
Key | Value Type | Value description |
version | String | The API version |
suggestions | Array | An array with zero or more suggestion objects (referenced below) If the suggestions array is empty it means that no suggestions were found. |
If an invalid request was sent suggestions will be replaced with a status_code and status_text attribute. - status (Integer)
Status code that gives detailed information about the suggest result. This code details both general errors and detailed suggest errors.
- status_text (String)
The description of the corresponding status code that gives detailed information about the suggest result.
Suggestion object
Key | Value type | Value description |
street | String | Street name |
street_number | String | Street number |
extra_number | String | Additional/extra street number * * Some addresses have dual street number attributing, e.g. Landsbyvägen 2-220. In these cases street_number will be 2 and extra_number will be 220 |
letter | String | Letter used in street number attribution, e.g. Storgatan 12A |
postcode | String | Postal code of the address |
locality | String | Locality / city of the address |
latitude | Float | Latitude of the address if existing |
longitude | Float | Longitude of the address if existing |
property_designation | String | Includes property designation for Swedish addresses (Fastighetsbeteckning). |
adm_code | String | Administrative code for levels 1-5 See Glossary for list of supported administrative divisions in each country |
adm_name | String | Administrative name for levels 1-5 See Glossary for list of supported administrative divisions in each country |
Sometimes, you might see an additional parameters like street_alt and locality_alt in the response for suggestion requests against Finland (country code: fi). These attributes represent the alternative street name and alternative locality names which comes in Swedish language.
Also it is possible to use Swedish address names on suggestion requests against Finland (country code: fi).
Localisation object
locale | String | Locale for this translation |
street | String | Translation for street |
locality | String | Translation for locality |
Example - A default request
curl -d "query=Storg&response_format=json&api_key={API_KEY}"
"version": "2.0",
"suggestions": [
"street": "Storgatan",
"street_number": "1",
"extra_number": "",
"letter": "",
"postcode": "11444",
"locality": "Stockholm"
"street": "Storgatan",
"street_number": "1",
"extra_number": "",
"letter": "",
"postcode": "15172",
"locality": "Södertälje"
"street": "Storgatan",
"street_number": "1",
"extra_number": "",
"letter": "",
"postcode": "15330",
"locality": "Järna"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Updated 7 months ago